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How much time do I have to commit?

Evo Fashion will have 5 x in-person workshop sessions including a two-day launch weekend and four monthly workshops between March and June (one-day sessions); 3 x one-to-one business advice sessions (approximately one hour); 4 x peer-to-peer workshops (approximately one hour).

Can I attend any sessions remotely?

Unless otherwise specified, all monthly workshops will be held in-person at The Trampery Fish Island Village, 13 Rookwood Way, E3 2XT. It’s important that you’re able to attend all of these sessions in-person in order to complete the programme as there will not be the option to attend virtually.

What if I don’t meet all of the eligibility requirements, can I still apply?

The mandatory eligibility criteria are:

If you don’t meet these four criteria but would still like to apply, please email the team at to discuss directly.


Interested parties are encouraged to attend an information webinar on 28 November at 12pm if they have any questions on the programme or application process.

Register for the Evo Fashion Information Session on the 28th of November at 12pm here.